
The Catalogue

This catalogue enables users to search the collection of the National Film and Sound Archive (NFSA).

Requests to access and use items in the collection are facilitated by the Access Services team.

Detail about our service is available at Using the Collection.

Access Services

The Access Services team assists professionals working in a broad range of sectors including the audiovisual production industry, media and broadcast, cultural organisations, education, government, corporate, researchers and students.

We are unable to service requests for personal copies. Our services for personal requests are limited to onsite viewing at the NFSA or Access Centres.

Timeframe for Responses

The Access team prioritises requests from the audio-visual industry, media, cultural, and education sectors with clear deadlines, and we will respond to these requests within 5 working days. For urgent requests we aim to respond the same day the request is received.

For all other requests we will provide an initial response within 10-15 working days.


The majority of the NFSA collection is in copyright, with rights owned by parties outside the NFSA.

The supply of copies from the NFSA collection is subject to the Copyright Act (1968).

Further information about the NFSA's obligations is available at Collection Ownership and Copyright.

Indigenous Cultural & Intellectual Property

The supply of collection material containing images or sound of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is subject to the NFSA's Indigenous Cultural & Intellectual Property protocol.

Clients may be required to obtain permission from relevant First Nations communities before copies of collection material will be supplied.


The Access Services team charge fees for our services.

This includes administration, research, digitisation, supply of copies, and the loan of collection items. Fees for the use of collection material owned by the NFSA may apply.

Details about our fees are available at Using the Collection.

Access Questions

Questions about accessing the NFSA collection can be made using our Access Enquiries Form.